Friday, September 01, 2006


There's an idea on the BBC blog, The Editors, about looking up the year that you were 9 years old, and seeing how much of the news you can actually remember. In my case, that's mostly 1987 I suppose. I don't remember the fact that the year started on a Thursday, but quite sadly I do recall a lot of the bad news - who says things are getting worse when you look back: Terry Waite, a ferry disaster near Zeebrugge, Margaret Thatcher being prime minister yet again, the Hungerford Massacre, Enniskillen and the King's Cross fire. I definitely also remember the big gales that destroyed a lot of trees and property around the south of England and of course Kylie's first record (this was good news though!).

I think I can remember a lot more about 1986, the year I actually turned 9, as that was the year of the Challenger disaster and other not so bad news: Halley's comet, the announcement about the building of the Channel Tunnel, the Mexico '86 world cup, and of course the Osidge School Golden Jubilee!

So how about you lot? Any memories to share of when you were 9?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh,sorry for the delay of silence, Phil, So here you are:
I turned 9 about 3 quarters of the way through 1950, so I have clear memories of rationing, especially using some coupons to buy my mum hankies for Christmas. I remember listening to reports on the "wireless" about the Korean War and, although I didn't understand it, having a feeling of uneasiness in case it came over to England. I used to be fascinated by listening to world leaders' names as they came up, also on the "wireless" - some I can remember are Haile Selassie, John Diefenbaker and Chiang Kai-shek!There was a comic called Film Fun in which I remember a strip about Abbott and Costello. A fascinating exercise - so thanks Phil.

7:39 pm  

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